Organizational Change (MBA), Dr. Gerard Beenen, Summer 2024
Global and Distributed Teams (MBA), Dr. Anita Williams Woolley,
Spring 2024
Managing Across Cultures (MBA), Dr. Oliver Hahl, Spring 2024
Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Undergraduate), Dr. D. Carrington
Motley, Spring 2024
Wake Forest University
The College Transition, FYE 101 (Fall 2017; Fall 2019)
Literacy in the 21st c., EDU 377 (Fall 2021)
Scholarship on Teaching and Learning
Heiser, R. E., Dello Stritto, M. E., Brown, A., Croft, B. (2023)
Amplifying student and administrator perspectives on equity and bias in
learning analytics: Alone together in higher education. Journal of
Learning Analytics, 10(1), 8-23.
Brown, A., Croft, B., Dello Stritto, M. E., Heiser, R., McCarty, S.,
McNally, D., Nyland, R., Quick, J., Thomas, R., & Wilks, M. (2022).
analytics in higher education: Stakeholder voices. Corvallis,
OR. Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit.
Co-presenter, “Building the ship while sailing: Faculty learning
communities and technology,” Magna Teaching with Technology
Conference, Baltimore, MD. (October 2017)
“Wake Forest’s ChemBook: Producing bite-size text and videos for
presenting thermochemistry.” Biennial Conference on Chemical
Education. Greeley, CO. (July 2016).
Invited Consortia & Workshops
Co-Presenter “Learning analytics from a systems perspective.” Oregon
State University Ecampus Leadership Team. Invited Presentation.
(February 2021)
OSU Ecampus Research Seminar. Learning analytics cohort participant
Course Workload Estimator
I joined with Betsy Barre and Justin Esarey to modify their course
workload estimator. The enhanced estimator includes additional fields
particularly salient to online course designs. Course Workload
Estimator 2.0